HoshiDorobou's avatar


99 Watchers56 Deviations
Tagged by: :iconpartymursu:

* You must post these rules.
* Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer.
* You have to choose ten people to tag and post their icons on your Journal.
* Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged him/her.
* No tag backs.
* No crap in the tagging section about "You're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag ten people.

Questions asked:
1. What do you love to draw most?
    - HETALIA~
2. Which anime/manga character do you think you're like?
    - From Hetalia uumm . . . S.Korea and France????
3. Do you like shounen or shoujo more?
   - Shounen >3
4. What genre of anime/manga do you like most?
   - awawah ewe Something funny xD
5. What do you do when you're bored?
   - I drwaw, sing, read :x
6. You all-time favourite anime/manga character is...?
   - Ah this moment? Ummm . . .
7. Do you like hetero, yaoi or yuri pairings more?
   - Yaoi ;3
8. What would you do if your favourite character asks you out?
   - I'll cry ;3;
9. What do you like to draw with?
10. What is your favourite anime/manga series?
   - Nuuhh Hidekaz and Arakawa~

1. What's your favorite movie? - Disney?
2. Summer or winter? - Suommer ;'D
3. Which anime/manga character would you like to be friends with? -Errhh . . . Japan, Finland, Lithuania and Estonia?
4. What anime/manga character do you dislike? - Sealand D:<
5. Do you play online games? - Noup~ ;--C
6. What are you proud of? - ??? D: I don't know ;w;
7. What languages do you know? - English, Swedish, German, Korean (little), Japanese
8. Do you like to draw fanart? - Errhh . .  Yes but I don't have time . . .
9. What countries have you ever been to? - Finland, Denmark, England, Korea, Japan, Holland, Sweden
10. What do you hate the most? - Huh? Uuumm . . . D: I don't know

1. your OTP? - AsaKiku <3
2. do you like to draw female or male characters more? - Male~ C:
3. what's the weirdest thing you've ever drawn? - A dog????
4. what's your favourite colour? - Red, Black and White
5. the worst anime/manga you've seen/read? - I dunno :C
6. the stupidest/ most annoying character ever? - Moe moe characters . . . They're like ''I am always kawaii desu~'' LOL -.-
7. are you currenty in love with a fictional character? who? .///////////////////////. No comment xD
8. the pairing everybody else but you loves? - GerPan? CanadaxS.Korea???
9. the character everybody else but you loves? - Uuumm . . . I don't know : /

Questions by me:
1. What's is your favorite chocolate? -
2. Do you like scary movies? -
3. Who is your fav anime/manga character?  -
4. Who is your AWESOME/FAVORITE mangaka? -
5. What's pairing you hate the most? -
6. Who is your best friend? ;3 -
7. Which anime/manga character you want spend the time? -
8. What's is your favorite music? -
9. When you laughed? -
10. Where you're worse? cooking, skating, cleaning or something?

I tag...(soryyyy~DDD;;;)
1. :iconmulticlaws:
2. :iconseychellimochi:
3. :iconseeuli:
4. :iconbanananaaaa:
5. :iconninjakarkki:
6. :icondramaticunicorn:
7. :iconigvan:
8. :iconaiyu97:
9. :iconzebrafinchy:
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Tracon 7 järjestetään 8.-9. syyskuuta 2012 Tampere talossa!
Vielä 3pv! Jännittääkö ihmiset!??! ;'D <3
No suorasti sanottuna tämä on minun ensimmäinen Tracon ikinä! (koska viime vuon en päässy </3)
Noniin! Siirrytään hahmoihin joita te ihmiset cossaatte! (KOMMATKAA >A<)

Juuh itse olen Traconissa
Lauantai: Hetalia Japan (Japani)
Sunnuntai: Shadow The Hedgehg human
*khrön molemmat samast sarjast hehe . . . ^^;

Itse lataan tänne cossistani kuvaa, mikä asuna olen siellä Traconissa niin saa tulla moikkaamaan tai tulla puhumaan >w< <3
Oisi kiva nähdä uusia ihmisiä, että tuttuja ; ') Vois tehä lapun sillai ''FREE HUGS'' XD Jos jaksan~
Sitten vaan ihmiset nähään viimeistään Traconissa OLA~! <3

Yumi <3
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Devious Journal Entry by HoshiDorobou, journal

Tracon 7 (8.-9. syyskuuta 2012) by HoshiDorobou, journal